Work With Me

Book a Complimentary Acceleration Call


We're meant to connect if you care about the peace and centeredness,

and a life lived fully from an aligned, passionate place in your soul.

Abundance for all and a compassionate world are your deeper calling.

You are ready to move past your worries and express

the radiant, beautiful being you truly are.

As you say ‘yes’ to your soul, love heals you and others in the ripples of your energy.

As a result, we are all more connected to the loving Universe and to one another.

With Deep Gratitude



I’m the host of Say YES to Your Soul podcast, and the CEO of Alburn Consulting LLC and Realized Soul.

I've been helping women bring forth their true selves for 18 years. What does this mean?

In my 40s, I was guided to heal the trauma and release the protections I had in and around me, and deeply nurture myself while still remaining in service to others, and to reconnect to my spiritual team and my soul in new meaningful ways.

Today, I am grateful to live in full expression of who I am and to support spiritual women to have their true voice with grace and feminine energy so they can be in even greater connection with their souls and the Divine.

During the last two decades, many of my clients celebrated closer connection with the Universe, new or renewed relationships, and abundant revitalization of their lives and dreams with ease and flow.

I'd like to give you the gems to embrace your feminine power + authentic voice to feel heard and to fulfill your dreams with newfound passion, spirit and joy.

Shall we connect?

With Light and Blessings,

Tessa Lynne Alburn